Thursday, July 7, 2011

Four of July

Our nephew Ren is a such a ham when he sings. This his him in the parade with the group tavaci. They sing and Dance. I love it.
This has got be the coolest thing I have seen. This is there high schools drill team they had a routine they did all the way down the parade.
This picture is for my Rylee. She love purple.She is now asking for a car just like this one.
The kids watching the parade.
The F16 that flew over. I was crying during this so it is not the best picture.
This is what made me cry. With Doug leaving any one in uniform like this makes me think if him.
Throwing snapits at uncle charles before the parade. The kids had a blast.
Lilly was cute at the first of the day. By the end she had pulled her hair out and was nasty from a slurpee and candy and dirt.
The cute girls eating there slurpee
This was a fun morning. The parade is not that long so the kids were amazing. They had a ton of fun before it started thanks in big part to Jons great idea to bring the snapits and charles great idea to walk around the corner and get a slurpee. And then they enjoyed all that the parade had to offer. I think I am liking this small town of events.

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