Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Rylee is 5

In less than 24 hours I will have a five year old. Time has gone by way to fast. Rylee is such a sweet little girl. She is so positive about every thing. And is always so excited about each step she takes in her life. She loves to learn. And soaks every thing in. She remembers everything. Sometimes a little more than I would like. And just when you think she was not listening to your conversation she pipes up and says something about the last conversation you were having. She is such a big help with Kam and Lilly. She loves that she is the oldest and bosses them around. Sometimes a little to much to my liking. I am so proud of this little girl. She teaches me so much every day. I love her out look on life and I hope that it continues. I am so not ready to send her off to school. I enjoy having her around. But I am excited to see what life has to offer her. I know that she is going to do amazing in what ever this life has to offer her. We love you Rylee and are so proud of all you have done. Happy birthday!!!

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